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Conselho Fiscal

Pedro R. Moutinho

Vogal Suplente do Conselho Fiscal | Substitute Member of the Supervisory Board
Germano Pinheiro

Germano Pinheiro

Vogal do Conselho Fiscal | Member of the Supervisory Board
Ricardo Calé

Ricardo Calé

Vogal do Conselho Fiscal | Member of the Supervisory Board
Paula Melo

Paula Melo

Vogal do Conselho Fiscal | Member of the Supervisory Board
Nuno Castro Melo

Nuno Castro e Melo

Vice-Presidente do Conselho Fiscal | Vice-President of the Supervisory Board
Luis Pina Rebelo

Luís Pina Rebelo

Presidente do Conselho Fiscal | President of the Supervisory Board