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Paula Melo

Diretora Suplente | Alternate Directors

Paula Melo has been on the National Board of ANJE as an Alternate Director since January 2017.

She is a co-founder, partner and Pathological Anatomy officer at the startup, Targetalent. Focused on the development of diagnostic tests, this startup launched the innovative Blue Stain solution, an early cancer diagnosis kit (patent registered), which allows cells to be harvested from the human body and analysed in just a few minutes. Paula Melo is also a Human Anatomy professor at CESPU.

She graduated in Pathological Anatomy at Escola Superior de Saúde de Vale do Sousa in 2008. In 2015, she completed her postgraduate course in Occupational Hygiene and Safety at Cenatex Porto and her postgraduate course in Executive Management at ANJE. She is currently doing her PhD in Pathology and Molecular Genetics at Universidade do Porto. The innovation inherent to her business project has also brought her the following awards: Young Entrepreneur Award (2014), Arrisca C Award – Business Plan (2014) and Acredita Portugal Award – High Technology (2015).