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Fernando Mariz Figueiredo

Diretor Nacional | Director

Fernando Mariz Figueiredo has been on the National Board of ANJE since January 2017, having been a member of the previous National Board (between 2013 and 2017).

He is a member of the Board of Directors of FIGIM – Imobiliária and a director of Impetus Retail, part of Impetus Portugal Texteis, a group with 12 companies and over 700 employees. He is the founder of the online sales business for the Impetus brand and is in charge of Image and Communication for the IMPETUS & HOT brand at Impetus Portugal Têxteis S.A. Since 2009, he has also been head of Image and Communication at Coup de Coeur France.

He has a Bachelor’s degree in International Business and later specialised in Economics and in Marketing, attending international educational institutions such as Laurea Hyvinkää / Tikkurila and Tampereen Ammattikorkeakoulu (Finland).