Workshop “A Glance at the British – Portuguese Interconnections in Fintech & Blockchain”
A ANJE, em parceria com a Câmara de Comércio Luso-Britânica, promove o workshop “A Glance at the British – Portuguese Interconnections in Fintech & Blockchain”, no próximo dia 11 de outubro, na Sede Nacional da ANJE. O evento vai contar com a participação de empresas como a Revolut, , a Utrust e a Applied Blockchain.
14:00 – Registration
14:30 Welcome Speeches by:
José Pedro Freitas, Chairman of ANJE
João Guimarães, British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce
14:50 Presentation by Associação Portuguesa de Fintech e Insurtech
Luís Miguel Vieira, Executive Board Member
15:05 Presentation by Monese
Rui Chaves, Head of Customer Loyalty
15:15 Presentation by Ebury
Duarte Monteiro, Country Manager for Spain & Portugal
15:25 Presentation by NBanks
Orlando Gomes Costa, Co-Founder
15:35 Presentation by Ikaufloans
Rogério Ribeiro, Chief Technology & Product Officer
15:45 Coffee – Break
16:15 Presentation by Associação Portuguesa de Blockchain e Criptomoedas
Fred Antunes, Chairman
16:30 Presentation by Applied Blockchain
Adi Ben-Ari, Founder & CEO
16:40 Presentation by Utrust
Filipe Castro, Co-Founder & CIO
16:50 Closure by Mr. Christopher Sainty, British Ambassador to Portugal
As manifestações de interesse em participar no evento deverão ser feitas para o endereço h.fernandes@bpcc.pt.
c. Olga Machado
e. olgamachado@anje.pt
t. 220 108 000